IP Address Lookup

An IP Address Lookup can determine the geo-location on a given IP Address including details such as: City, State, Region, Country and ISP (Internet Service Provider).

IP Address Location

The IP Address Location is not 100% accurate due to several factors. Some of them include but not limited to:

  • Where the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is located / registered
  • The use of Proxies
  • Use of dynamic IPs
  • The IP Addresses associated to Mobile Phones

By doing an IP Address Lookup, it is impossible to find the physical address of a given IP Address. The most granular data can be the City, usually related to the City where the ISP is located at.

Internet Service Providers (ISP) usually assign IPs to their clients / users, and they eventually have personal details about their clients. In this case, the related physical address.

However, ISPs will not disclose any information related to their clients without a police warrant or some legal requirement.

Using our IP Lookup tool, you will only find information related to the ISP associated.